Gen AI x Comms: Industry Impact Report - Download

For journalists, content creators, marketers, advertisers and public relations professionals – the advance of Generative AI platforms like ChatGPT is having a major impact on how communicators work, now and into the future. Media Collateral surveyed 227 communications professionals across Asia Pacific to gauge how they are experiencing the shift so far.

Unpack how the findings relate to your work and profession, with role-specific insights from communications professionals across APAC.

  • Rapid Adoption: 74% of communications professionals are now using generative AI in their work.

  • Marketers vs. Journalists: 90% of marketers have embraced AI, compared to 61% of journalists, with only 3% of the latter considering it essential for daily tasks.

  • Future Engagement: 79% of respondents plan to increase their engagement with generative AI over the next two years.

  • Workforce Disruption: 27% believe AI will reduce job opportunities, 57% think it will transform job roles.

Report cover for the Generative AI x Comms

Authors & contributors

  • Andrew Thompson Photo

    Andrew Thompson

    Research & Editorial Lead, Media Collateral

    “Communications professionals will be shaping, and shaped by, the unfolding narrative of humans and machines. We hope this report provides some practical insights now, and further creative inquiry for the journey.”

  • Dr. Lisa Dethridge Photo

    Dr. Lisa Dethridge

    Senior Research Fellow, RMIT University

    “Real-time shifts in AI science, research, and development mean that industry is rapidly evolving toward environments driven by generative AI and machine learning models. This study represents key insights into AI’s role and impact among communications practitioners throughout the Asia Pacific region.”

  • Rachel Chitra Photo

    Rachel Chitra

    Journalist – Reuters, Forbes Middle East, Times of India, Tech in Asia

    “Back when it was introduced in Reuters in 2010, I remember initially, there was this huge fear about job losses, but AI actually helped us with our jobs.”

  • Shahin Hoda Photo

    Shahin Hoda

    Managing Director, xGrowth

    “New technologies always create and destroy jobs. What's happening now is a shift in how people work, rather than businesses going under. For instance, new roles like prompt engineering, which didn’t exist 18 months ago, are emerging. Now, it's a recognised field, and there's good money in it. So, it's not just about destruction, but also creation.”

  • Myjanne Jensen Photo

    Myjanne Jensen

    Founder, Jensen Media

    “I think, ultimately, AI will handle many of those tedious tasks – not that they aren't important, but they can be automated. This automation will free up more time for us to focus on creative endeavours.”

  • Evelyn Choo Photo

    Evelyn Choo

    Strategic communications, SAA Architects

    “I expect an influx of content that is predictable and mediocre at best. The challenge moving forward would be for professionals to raise the bar of original content while harnessing generative AI to augment more backend capabilities like market research, content development workflows, and strategy development.”

About the Study: Note from the author

As a long-time communications professional, this study was born organically – with simple questions: How will the advance of generative AI impact my career and industry?

Will my job and those of my peers exist in five years, and if so, how will they change? What threats and opportunities should we prepare for? While this report may not have all the answers, it does aim to stimulate discussion, shared learnings and experimentation.

The online survey, completed by more than 220 communications professionals across Asia Pacific (APAC), included journalists, content creators, marketers, PR practitioners, and advertisers. It wasn’t designed to compile an exhaustive list, but rather to serve as a bellwether of participants' usage, trends, sentiment, hopes, and fears regarding generative AI in their work.

To augment the survey data, we conducted qualitative interviews with five communications practitioners, varying in profession and country of residence. These interviews provide nuanced, anecdotal evidence and personal perspectives from the field. While the printing press and internet revolutionised message presentation and dissemination, today's machines can directly influence ideation and creation. Communications professionals will be shaping, and shaped by, the unfolding narrative of humans and machines.

We hope this report provides some practical insights now, and further creative inquiry for the journey.

Andrew Thompson, Media Collateral Manager, Editorial & Research

Explore Key Themes

  • Generative AI Adoption across Industry

  • AI in Action Usage & applications

  • What‘s Driving the Shift 

  • Tools & Platforms

  • Apprehensions & Challenges 

  • Workforce Disruptions

  • Identifying Resource & Knowledge Gaps

  • Future Engagement

  • User Evolution

  • Looking ahead

Download the full report